There’s nothing better at Maximising value and Joy than WINNING competitions. Its certainly money saving and definitely maximising Joy.We have had such great experiences through winning competitions – Happy to share some tips. Also sharingsome of our successes so you can see that someone wins and it could be YOU.
Some Competitions are for prizes that money could buy and some that money couldn’t. .
New York, including flights, 3 nights at The Westin (4*) hotel, transfers, attractions passes, £500 spending money and lunch at the Lobby Lounge. This was a local paper competition. We maxed the joy by getting married there and making it 6 nights. See my New York Comp blog coming soon.
Night at The Hampshire Hotel, Leicester Square, London, Take That tickets, £250 spending money, Lunch at Nobu Sushi restaurant, Hyde Park Corner, London – Heart Radio
Absolute Radio intimate James session – Absolute Radio Comp
Depeche Mode concert tickets and Meet and Greet – Local Paper Comp
Starting off a fireworks show – Local Paper Comp
These were my faves and there’s also been, vouchers, cash, ice skating at The Natural History Museum, Hampers, Comedy Club tickets, concert tickets, a years supply of bread and lots more.
There’s loads of fantastic websites and groups just for Compers. People do win, all the time, somebody wins. You could enter competitions 24/7 and still not cover them all so this is what I do.
I target the ones I want, holidays, spa breaks, cash, new experiences. No point me entering a cruise competition, even if Gordon Ramsey was cooking for me personally, there’s no way I’d get on the boat. I am the Mr T of the seas. I’ll leave that for someone else to enjoy.
Check the small print – is travel included? Are the dates ok? No point me entering 3 nights luxury hotel stay in Bali and the small print says travel not included. Or a 10 day all-inclusive holiday in Thailand for 1 person.
Check the terms – Is it 1 entry per person, per household, unlimited entries, 1 per day. Stick to the rules and maximise your chances.
Put some effort in – Anyone can click to enter or like, but it’s the ones where you need to do something more that you have more chance of winning, like uploading a photo or telling a story, or a slogan, or looking up an answer.
Don’t pay loads to enter – there’s plenty of free to enter Competitions – avoid the ones where texts cost £2, or phone-ins. Even the big ones like the Gadget Show have a postal route so it just costs a 2nd class stamp, get some colourful postcards and a Sharpie and enter that way.
Companies offer competitions to get your info so they can target you with offers and hopefully you become a customer. There’s always an opt out of marketing box so tick that if you don’t want your inbox filled up. Personally I like getting these offers and emails, you can learn a lot about a lot of different things.
I will be posting any particularly worthy ones as I find them. The Compers world is a friendly place where sharing the Competitions and sharing the joy of someone winning is the norm.
Subscribe to be updated with great competitions, money saving tips and more on the Mind over Money Matters Way of maximising Joy and maximising value. I will also be posting an article about the New York Win, how I won it and a review of the prize.
Please comment below with what you have won in Competitions, and let me know if you have any tips. Please like and share with anyone who may enjoy reading about the Mind over Money Matters way of winning competitions.
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